Allow your donors to support your mission easily, from anywhere.
Credit Card Processing for Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit Credit Card Processing is the only 501c3 organization in the United States whose mission is to provide low-cost, credit card payment processing services to charities. NCCP has been designed to benefit nonprofit organizations, by providing the following benefits:
No longer fear accepting credit card donations from your donors because of high fees! Our program is designed to help you maximize your donation dollars by giving you the abilty to accept donations in any form.
The more methods of payment you can receive, the more potential support you can gain for your nonprofit. By keeping our rates and fees low, our service allows you the opportunity to accept every major credit card on the market: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and more. So, no matter how your donors want to pay, you will be prepared to receive their support!
Join the thousands of non-profits already benefitting from Nonprofit Credit Card Processing's low rates and exceptional serices.

FREE Credit Card Processing Machine for your Nonprofit!
Sign up today and NCCP will supply you with a traditional credit card processing machine at no cost.